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 Pneus et jantes XXL

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messages : 4982
Age : 51

Pneus et jantes XXL Empty
MessageSujet: Pneus et jantes XXL   Pneus et jantes XXL EmptySam 18 Déc - 17:11

Un tuto trouvé sur un forum US, je vous laisse traduire!!! :innocent:

Citation :
I was often asked what kind of tires I have on my models.
I have already said a few times, but found it better, I simply make a new Thread about it.

These are a few original TD Groovy graders tyres which I still have:

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An example:

Over the years, i collected some of unused kit-tires.

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These are, for example, the tires from Bad Medicine and Ice T kits.

I make from these three parts a wider version:

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I glue them together and sand the surface:

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The Result:

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More tip`s:

I use for the rear tyres, for my Showrods, also slicks from older Formula 1 kits on a scale of 1:20. (Prefers late 70`s)

Here are a few:

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These packages (on a scale of 1:20) are available at Tamya:

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They come in different diameters and widths (depending on the vintage and regulations):

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The results:

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The next one, is not a very simple version. ::)

Condition is a lathe and the necessary materials and tools. But if you have these, there are almost no limits. :o

Well, only time, high costs and effort... ::) Wink

These are "rubber springs". We need them as low-holder for punching:

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It gives different colors and many diameters and lengthen.The idea was good ;D, but the treatment exhibits problems. ::)

The color of this rubber spring shows optically their hardens. The black is the softest (approx. 70 shores). Razz
Thus one can turn it only in a device with very sharp tools, or work on it with rough sandpaper. I had to use both variants and after much work and sweat Wink, look this now in such a way:

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These are aluminum tubes:

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At the back of the new aluminum rims I turned a larger recess, in order to press the rims in. I receive after polish a stepless transition in the rim wall. And a very deep rim! ;D ;D ;D

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Here is an example of the parts:

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These are a few that I have produced:

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On the left side are mine, on the right side, the original TD-GG `s:

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This is also a cheap and fast version: different bottle tops and closures.

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This can be seen in countless forms and diameters.

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Stick two lids together. Drill a hole. Painting. Put the Rim in. Done. Wink ;D ;D ;D

New ones:

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Incidentally, these were not expensive, but I've ordered it and waited six months until they were delivered... ::)

Well, they are deep but not deep enough. ;D

My new, deeper, from aluminum.

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I like to go new ways to get better methods, to find new materials and manufacture so cheaper my tires.

Here I have tried to make it from a piece of a hose.

The important thing is, the hose should be made of rubber and may have no lichen or wall reinforcement.

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This hose has the name Perbunan®, is not very expensive and is easy to edit.

The inner tube diameter is chosen so, that it no longer needs to be processed.

But he should be about one millimeter smaller than the outside diameter of the rim, for a better hold.

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My newest method:

These rubbers are of a handlebar grip for bicycles.

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With a little editing and mounted on my homemade wheels, the whole thing looks like this:

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Keep only the eyes open and you will certainly find more possibilities! Wink ;D ;D ;D

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